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Welcome to the Princeton Research Data Service

Established in 2019, we provide Princeton’s diverse research community with expert services and infrastructure to store, manage, retain, and curate digital research data, and to make their digital research data available to the broader network of academic researchers, as well as the general public. We provide consultations, training, and data curation services to researchers throughout the life cycle of research projects, working with them to make the process of data management and storage as seamless as possible with their current research practices.

Recent News

A Network Visualization from "Co-authorship network map of physicians publishing on hepatitis C" by speedoflife is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Introducing Princeton Data Commons!

Princeton Data Commons is a project to create an ecosystem of online resources and tools to support and advance storing, preserving, managing,… Learn more

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ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID)  is an open, non-profit organization that aims to minimize the problem of name ambiguity in scientific communication and to ensure that people get proper credit for all of their research. An ORCID iD protects your scholarly… Learn more

Research Lifecycle Guide